The Recovery T-Shirt Story

🚒💪🏻The Story of the Recovery T-Shirt

Way back in the day (ok, just 5 years ago) I was an avid climber. The best in the land. Conquerer of v2s... Yes, you read that right, if you're not a climber, I was basically, a newb. 3 years in, still only climbing easy-routes, but HEY, it was a hobby. And, I felt like it was a part of my tiny little identity. You know - when you get into something, and you aren't good at all, but you feel like that's now a part of you... 

I was out and about in SF on a bike, and there it was, my life flashed briefly before my eyes. I was hit by an SUV. Lying on the hard concrete after a loud scream - louder than any scream I'd done since I was probably an infant... 

The ambulance came. I had CT + MRIs. A herniated disc and other issues... Merely getting into a car was a huge effort. Walking was like climbing a mountain... I remember it vividly.. A climbing friend who had a half busted foot from a bad fall themselves came over to visit. I could barely stand up and he was in crutches.. Both of us felt like fools not being able to do our old routes..

Eventually, over a year later, I tried to get back on the wall for real. Boy, did I feel like a failure. My once glorious muscular arms, now... teeny raptor arms.. My brother, confirmed, I had raptor arms.

Meanwhile, to either side of me -  sexy climbing babes crushing betas like spiders up the wall...

I wanted people to know that hey, I don't suck because I'm new.. I suck because I'm recovering... Ego? Yes.. Pride? Yes... But still.. It was a huge bummer starting from zero again. I wished I had a shirt that told people the story... Or at least so they wouldn't be mad at me for taking forever on a route in the climbing gym or why I was taking an eternity lifting a weight... 

Thus, this idea was born. Fast forward 7 years. And, finally they are here - the shirt I always wanted...

The "I'm recovering from an injury" shirt.. Could make a great gift too :) 

And, I have one with me right now, and recently had that C-Section so fully intend to wear this when out and about. 

All that said-- No matter what state you're in - Please remember you're strong, rock, and can do it!!

We hope you enjoy these + wishing you THE BEST with your recovery!

- Alice & The Powder Pant team